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Meet the team

The HFC team comprises highly motivated software developers, with expertise in functional programming, networking, blockchain, formal methods, system adminstration, property-based testing, distributed systems, parallelism and many other relevant skills.

Kevin Hammond

Kevin Hammond

Kevin Hammond has a strong research background in programming language design and implementation, focusing on modelling, analysis and reasoning about extra-functional properties of domain-specific languages using type-based approaches. In total, he has published over 130 research papers, books and articles, and held over 20 national and international research grants, comprimising over £20M of research funding, including coordinating several large EU projects. Kevin studied his PhD at the University of East Anglia before working at Glasgow University and St Andrews University as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lecturer and Professor of Computer Science. He was a member of the Haskell design committee, co-designed the Hume real-time functional language, is co-editor of the main reference text on parallel functional programming, and has led the software development effort for the Cardano blockchain at IOG Ltd. Kevin is a keen hill-walker, whisky connoisseur and enjoys early music.

Sam Leathers

Marcin Szamotulski